Sunday, July 26, 2009

Public Transportation

This was the first day we were here. This street runs right in front of the Villamor house. These pedicabs would pass by occasionally and you would just flag then down like you would a taxi. It was 5 pesos a person for the small trip to town(4 blocks). Yea, we could have walked but why when you can ride in one of these! We had 5 people on one(2 adults and 3 kids) and the driver was quite old....he was going so so slow up a small hill....we felt bad for him! He worked hard for that 25 ph!
This is the Tangub Libot....or the city-run public transportation. When we would get restless from being in the house too long we would take a pedicab to the bus station and then ride around the city. It was a great way to take in the scenery! We saw lots of farm land, houses(different shapes and sizes and structures. We even saw a couple bathing in their field...yes they were covered! Tangub is a very rural city.
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