Sunday, October 25, 2009

So once we made it to the resturant and we drained our bladders and waited for the rest of our group...we had to walk another piece to the other hut where we caught the ferry to the actual Dolphin Island (i found someone else's description of the place!).
The ferry boat rides were very relaxing with the purr of the motor and the nice breeze!
Here are a few of our crew.
That was our destination!
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Dolphin Island

The next few posts will be about our trip to Dolphin Island. I tried to find a good description of this place on the internet but there wasn't i will try my best to put into words what it is exactly. This is the view of the place from the main highway. On this day it was high-tide and the water completely covered the road. These children took advantage of this fun!
We had no choice but to walk to the park. Sophia and I had to use the bathroom pretty badly so all this water sure didn't help. This place had what we call a "fishery" and a wildlife zoo(such sad living conditions for those animals) and then you headed out to the island where the dolphins are.
Walking with all our stuff!
Who is that beauty! Carrying our water of course!
Sophia and I anxiously asked the first attendant we could see where the bathroom was. He pointed out toward the water. We started that way but were a little leary of crossing that bridge since the water was almost coming through the boards. I turned around to double-check that we were going the right direction. "Surely they have a bathroom closer or in one of those various buildings"...was my thought process. I was forgetting that I was in the land of anti-toilet paper. We indeed were heading in the right direction. The bathroom was in this hut which was the resturant. Luckily they had some toilet paper. The floor was wet and there was a big garbage can of water to flush with. This was something I NEVER got use to.
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